Clement Fung
PhD Student
Carnegie Mellon University

Curriculum Vitae

Here is a broad overview of what I've done and where I've been.
A denser, less-frequently-updated PDF version can be found here.

Academic Positions

Selected Work Experience

  • Machine Learning Research Intern, May 2023 - August 2023.
    Bosch Center for AI, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

  • Software Engineer, January 2019 - July 2019.
    Oasis Labs, Berkeley, CA, USA.

  • Software Engineering Intern: Search, Network and Analytics, June 2015 - August 2015.
    LinkedIn Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA, USA.

  • Software Engineering Intern: Distributed Data Systems, September 2014 - December 2014.
    LinkedIn Corporation, Mountain View, CA, USA.

  • Software Engineering Intern: Server, January 2014 - April 2014.
    Voicebox Technologies, Bellevue, WA, USA.

  • Research Assistant: Boutros Lab, May 2013 - August 2013.
    Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Toronto, ON, Canada.


While at CMU, I served as a teaching assistant for the following courses:

While at UBC, I served as a teaching assistant for the following courses:

I completed the CMU Eberly Future Faculty Program in 2025.
I received the UBC Computer Science Graduate TA Award in 2018.


I have advised the following students on term-long research projects:

  • Henry Wong (CMU Summer '24, Fall '24, Spring '25)
  • Karen Li (CMU Fall '23, Spring '24)
  • Stanley Chen (CMU Spring '23)
  • Sneha Rander (CMU Fall '22)
  • Jeneel Mashru (CMU Fall '22)
  • Kevin Li (CMU Fall '21)
  • Shreya Srinarasi (CMU Summer '21)
    • ESORICS '22
  • Chris J.M. Yoon (UBC Summer '18, Fall '18)
    • RAID '20, TPDS '21
  • Syed Mubashir Iqbal (UBC Summer '17)
  • Jaime Koerner (UBC Spring '17)